Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Writing a Guest Blog Post

When writing a guest blog there are a few things to do before you start. The first is find out if there are any specific guidelines to be followed. Find out if there is a specific number of words, is there a specific topic?

Creating a Guest Blog Post

When we create a guest blog post it should be done in Microsoft Word or Google Docs. Somewhere where it can be shared easily with the host. This is because we don't post it directly to the blog that is the job of the host. Where ever we create the guest blog post the guest needs to be able to access it easily. If the host can not easily apply the guest post to their blog they might just forget it. Let's face it we are a busy society no one wants to sit longer then they have to trying to figure something out. 

Including Images

Include your own images. This can be within the document or can be sent via an attachment through email. Be sure to resize images, so the guest does not have to do this. If the images are not included within the text one can include a note suggesting where the images should appear. This could be something like paragraph 5 or for a subheader. Avoid to much detail less is more.

Create a Bio

Create a short bio to be used at the end of the guest blog post. Make it short and to the point. Some hosts will allow us to include our social media, so this something else we want to check on. Below is a sample bio.

Joyce Wheeler

Joyce is a natural living blogger, researcher, podcaster, speaker, writer and coach. She has been living this lifestyle since 2012 and loves to share her knowledge with others. On Saturdays you will find her at the local farmer's market selling her home brewed Kombucha, natural skin care products and various items she designs using crystals. Her passion is to aid others with living a better quality of life naturally.

You can find her at her skin care products at Heavenly Bodies and her blog So You Want to Blog

Facebook link
                                         Pintrest link
                                         Linkedin link

With your social media do not include the name of the page just which social media it is. I include the bio at the bottom of the guest post and put bio in bold. Again you can include the image within the text or send it as an attachment.

Posting Guest Blog Post Blurb

Once you know the guest post is live create a teaser on your blog. I put up the first paragraph or two and a read more link for them to click on. 

Has this blog been helpful? If so share and pin.

1 comment:

  1. What a fabulous post. This tells it like it is. I'll pin it and res-share. Hugs, Nan
